Yes, I really do enjoy my role as the officiant. It is truly an honor for me to work with couples, discover their special stories along the timeline that have brought them together, and then to finally say those words of “It is my pleasure, by the power vested in me by the State of Arizona, that you are”. It is special everytime.
Whether the couple I am joining in marriage is a traditional couple, a same-sex couple, or a couple that has already been together for decades, it’s special to be right there with each couple and to witness the magic up close.

I have no idea how other officiants feel, but I feel that with each wedding I perform, that I’m adding to the optimism of the world. I mail each license on my way home from the wedding. On each envelope, I purposely attach a LOVE stamp for the postage. I believe in Love and I’m privledged to get to witness it upclose and often.