Words of Wisdom

I find that a lot people have words of Wisdom and I share some of my discoveries here for you to see.

Fall in Love… with someone who wants you, who waits for you.  Who understands you even in the madness; someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope.

Fall in Love with someone who talks with you after a fight.  Fall in Love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you.

Do not fall in love only with a body or with a face; of with the idea of being in love.


Learn to love without condition.  Talk without a bad intention.  Give without any reason.  And most of all, care for people without any expectation.

Don’t look for a partner who is eye candy, look for a partner who is SOUL FOOD.


Marriage does not guarantee you will be together forever, it is just a paper.  It takes love, trust, respect and understanding, friendship and faith in your relationship to make it last.


Most people get married believing a myth that marriage is a beautiful box full of all things they have longed for:  companionship, intimacy, friendship, etc.  You must put something in before you can take anything out. 

There is no  love in marriage.  Love is in people, And people put love in marraige.  There is no romance in  marriage. You must infuse it into your marriage  A couple must learn the art and form the habit of giving, loving, servinc, praising,  keeping the box full. 

If you take out more than you put in. the box will be empty.  

Be alone. Eat Alone. Take yourself on dates,  sleep Alone.  In the midst of this you will get to learn about  yourself.   You will grow, you will figure out what inspires you, your will curate your own dreams, your own beliefs, your own stunning clarity, and when you do meet the person who makes your cells dance, you will be sure of it because you will be sure of yourself. Bianca Sparacio